You have to find your destiny in your lifespan.This world, these generations won’t ever end.Enjoy living as much as possible- money doesn’t buy immortality.People enter and exit your life every day.There’s just one life – live it your way before your time comes.Life is like a new book – the next chapter is shrouded in mystery.Be with people who make you feel loved.Life does not have to give you what you anticipate.Life gives you many choices-choose wisely.New Voice Status feature coming up in WhatsApp: put voice notes as status Sometimes you gotta wear a cape and be a superhero.Attempting the impossible? Bring on the challenge.Many people have an image of me not everyone gets the picture.In a world of dark chocolate, be chocolate mousse.I am so hot I might cause global warming.Does life seem blurry? Time to fix your focus.The reason I get away with everything – is my smile.I leave a trail that sparkles wherever I go.I’m cool enough to make ice cubes jealous.Why am I smiling? I have no clue what’s happening.Just because I am single I am not available.If you are devoid of a smile, here’s mine.My best dress is the smile you gave me.

Wanna be the best? Learn how to handle the worst.Does this seem like the end? Don’t worry, it’s just the beginning.Your life will experience sunshine again.Who am I? I haven’t found the answer yet.Why fit in? You were born to be outstanding.Make sure you’re perfect before judging me.If not me then who? If not now then when?.Find your goal in life, and then be obsessed about reaching it.Don’t squander your opportunities for achieving temporary comfort.We only learn who our true friends really are. Life can get only as good as you think.Your followers may not always be your fans.At the day’s end, I am grateful that my blessings outnumber my problems.You have to get up if you want the channel changed. Dear Problems – time to give me a discount for being a regular customer.It’s a curse, as you need to deal with people devoid of it. Quite a few people I know deserve a high five.“Salary Credited” is the most powerful word now. The only time my job is bearable is when I’m vacationing.My wallet resembles an onion – opening it makes tears stream from my eyes.Don’t be too open-minded your brain might fall out.I like being glamorous – it isn’t a crime.Very lethargic and cannot stop being lazy.God is so creative – look how I turned out.Well, go on reading to find some exciting WhatsApp bios for you to use. Usually, girls like using more emojis than boys. Girls need not feel left out because there are WhatsApp funny bios for girls, motivational quotes, meaningful bios, stylish bios, and bios with emojis.

In this article, you will come across some WhatsApp funny bios for boys, motivational quotes, creative bios, bios based on life, stylish bios, short bios, meaningful bios, and bios with emojis.