Approval Process for Connecticut Licensees Holding a S-1 Unlimited Heating, Piping and Cooling Contractor License or a S-2 Unlimited Heating, Piping and Cooling Journeyman License to become New Hampshire Fuel Gas Service Technicians ().Saf-Mec 500 Initial Licensing and Inspection Rules & Fees.Saf-Mec 400 Continued Status (Renewal) Rules.Saf-Mec 100 Purpose and Scope of Administrative Rules of the Board Mec 100.RulesNOTICE: The Rules of Saf-Mec have been approved by JLCAR and are in effect, the documents posted are subject to final editing and distribution by NH Legislative Services Mechanical Licensing - RSA 153:27 through RSA 153:38 RSA 153.Mechanical Safety and Licensing Board Laws and RulesLaws, Administrative Rules and Codes governing Mechanical Safety and Licensing professionals.
If you do not receive an email notification with instructions and a registration code within a few days of your 60 day renewal period, if you have any questions regarding this notice, or you need to update your email address with our office, please email our customer support unit at or call one of our customer support specialists at 603.271.2152 for assistance. Please check the expiration date on your license and mark your calendar with a reminder 60 days prior to that date. Renewal notifications and license documents are now sent to you in paperless form via email from to your email address on file here, at the OPLC. Licenses are eligible for online renewal 60 days prior to expiration. Once successfully submitted, prior to expiration, the license status will be updated to active – pending renewal while being reviewed for approval. Licensees will conveniently be able to renew any time of day and processing times will be faster.

If you have a paper application in process it will be accepted up until January 31, 2022, but as of February 1, 2022, the on-line application will be the only way to renew all licenses. The final group of licensees trainees and apprentice plumbers will now move on-line as of January 3, 2022. The Office of Professional Licensure & Certification (OPLC) is excited to announce that as of Januthe agency has moved ALL Mechanical Board renewal licensing applications online! Over the last year we have been transitioning mechanical board licensing groups on-line with great results.